She received the Gaia Award (2012) for transforming the Global Ecovillage Network (GEN), the Dadi Janki Award (2017) for engaging spirituality in life and work and the One World Award (2020) for her work in developing GEN into a worldwide movement reaching out to over 6000 communities on all continents.
In 2020, she took on the role of leading the Pocket Project, dedicating her work to building a global field of collective healing. Kosha works closely with Thomas Hübl in spreading awareness to reduce the disruptive effect of trauma on communities, organizations and global culture and help induce a shift from trauma-inducing to trauma-informed and trauma-integrating institutions and societies.
Kosha served as CEO of the Global Ecovillage Network (GEN) from 2015-2020. GEN was set up in 1995 to catalyse communities in regenerating their natural, social, cultural, and economic environments. Kosha enhanced GEN’s work on all continents and worked with policymakers across the globe to scale up ecovillage development programs. She presented at 12 UN Conferences and multiple other online and offline events. Previously, she held the position of President of GEN and ExecutiveDirector of GEN-Europe and was the driving force behind the emergence of GEN-Africa.
Kosha co-founded ECOLISE, the European Network for Community-led on Climate Change and Sustainability, and Gaia Education. She co-authored the internationally applicable Ecovillage Design Education curriculum, which was endorsed by UNITAR, with courses run in over 50 countries since 2006.
She has worked in 46 countries and facilitated 27 conferences & festivals over the course of the past 15 years. In addition, she hosted the Communities for Future Online Summit in 2019 and 2020, and now co-hosts the annual Collective Trauma Online Summit withThomas Hübl.
Her current areas of inquiry include:
Trauma-informed Leadership – As leaders, we are called to raise our awareness of the multifaceted nature of trauma and understand its impact on us, our teams, and our work in the world. We expand our awareness to include those movements that take place below the surface and give rise to our experience. Instead of being caught up in the symptoms, we support each other to trace back the lines of creation to their origins. Awareness is the first step in a cultural shift from trauma-inducing, to trauma-informed and, finally, trauma-integrating organisations.
Collective Trauma Integration - This process begins with the cultivation of coherence and resourcing in individuals and groups, followed by a process of consciously turning towards and gently witnessing individual, ancestral, and collective trauma material. The ensuing titration and release leads to an increase in compassionate and collaborative ability, creativity and innovation and a decrease in isolation and polarisation. As we reclaim the contents of our unconscious, we move towards integration and restoration, and become more empowered to express our full potential and purpose.
Global Social Witnessing - is the human capacity to mindfully attend to global events with an embodied awareness, thereby creating an inner world space that mirrors and brings compassion to these events. We shift from being a mere bystander, mentally processing the latest news, to an active witness, responding from our bodies and hearts, as well as our minds. Together, we learn how to experience challenging events in more attuned ways, and thus become global witnesses of our time. Practicing over time, we generate a more conscious holding community for events in the world – a subtle activism for healing, peace-building, and global citizenship.